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Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist, New Orleans, is a branch of The Mother Church, the headquarters of Christian Science churches worldwide. Christian Scientists believe in one infinite God who is all good, and we believe that each individual is loved by God, cared for by God, and made in God’s image. Read our tenets to learn more about our beliefs, and visit our Reading Room or its online resources. You may also contact a Christian Science practitioner for prayerful support, or join us during our worship services to have your questions answered. Our branch church sponsors events for our community, and we have a long history in Lakeview, including our restoration after Hurricane Katrina. Watch this video to learn more about our rebuild and to meet two of our members.
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This Katrina video was made by one of our members five years after Hurricane Katrina. It describes her family’s experiences during their many moves after the storm until they returned to their New Orleans home. At that time, Lakeview was still in the process of rebuilding. Now the neighborhood has returned with a new public school building, new library, new homes and businesses, bustling restaurants, and many new families.
From the October 10, 2005 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
I felt safe. After watching the news, I went to bed satisfied that Hurricane Katrina would be avoiding my home in New Orleans. The next morning, however, the telephone woke me at an awkward, early time. Read more
From the April 3, 2006 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
I have been a lifelong resident of New Orleans, and my wife and I have lived in our home in the Lakeview neighborhood for 25 years. We have always stayed in our home when hurricanes have threatened the city, and we did the same for Hurricane Katrina. Our staying was not an act of stubbornness, but based on past experiences of being cared for and protected by God. Read more
From the May 4, 2009 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel
When we read about epic events in the day's news, it's natural to be concerned and even pray for those involved. But often we aren't part of the story ourselves. But that's not the way it was for me in August 2005, when Hurricane Katrina flooded my city, New Orleans. Read more
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